Build Cool Stuff
Listen, we're going to level with you, we could spout a bunch of buzzwords telling you about how "different" and "synergistic" THKP is compared to all the other engineering orgs out there but we won't. We're just a couple of engineers who like to build cool stuff. We hope our work will speak for itself.

One of our primary goals is to improve educational resources and Mathchops represents an effort to do just that. Using the expertise of Mike McGibbon, an NYC tutor for over 15 years, Mathchops tailors its material to each student’s current level, creating an experience that is enjoyable, efficient, and most importantly, educational.

Brain Explorer
Brain Explorer is the brainchild of University College London. They wanted to build an experience that would help them to study the human mind. We teamed up with them to build this amazing citizen science project. Through a series of games and surveys, users around the world (including Brazil, Denmark, Switzerland and France) provide UCL with invaluable data that allows them to learn more about the brain.

GRE Math Knight
Following in the footsteps of the great math games like Number Munchers and Math Blaster before it, GRE Math Knight is our spin on taking (some of) the drudgery out of learning math. As the valiant Knight, players vanquish the surprisingly math-phobic creatures terrorizing the Kingdom, collecting scrolls and stars (not to mention an aptitude for GRE-level math concepts) along the way. In order to get the best math content possible, we made GRE Math Knight in collaboration with Vince Kotchian Test Prep.